It’s slow, until it’s not.

You are invited to this unique race experience that has something for everyone. From new runners to experienced ultra runners, the start will be a cinch. But the longer you last, the more the Countdown will demand from you. And all we ask is that you demand the most of yourself, holding off your own “Final Countdown” as long as possible.
The course is a 1.33 mile loop located in Brunswick Nature Park on a smooth, fast trail. Every lap, all runners leave together and must complete the loop in the allotted time. If you finish the loop before the Countdown completes, you can take a break, grab a drink, check your social media, or whatever it is you want to do.
One thing though. Each lap will get slightly faster than the last. We will start with the first lap at 20 minutes (15:02/mile pace), and for each successive lap the countdown will be 20 seconds shorter, forcing you to go a little bit faster each lap. If you don’t make it back before the Countdown reaches “0”, your adventure is over. But we would love for you to hang out and root on the remaining competitors. The race ends when only one runner returns before the completion of “The Final Countdown”.
Race Day: Sep 14, 2024
Registration Opens: January 1, 2024
Register here: The Final Countdown